Outsourcing customer service

An overview of companies where you can outsource (part of) your customer service department. Handy for holidays, absenteeism, peak loads such as Black Friday or simply as a "flexible shell".

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Outsourcing customer service.

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Tawk.to is a web chat application where you can also hire occupation.

Free version:
Suitable for: Starter, SME
Chat channels: Web chat
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We build external customer service teams that work on the business goals of web stores and IT companies. Relieve entrepreneurs with lead generation.

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DSV is an international logistics service provider.

Logistic services: Drop shipment, Reserve stock, Shipping services, Packaging, Pick and Pack, Rent storage space / distribution center
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With DIRECT customer contact you can outsource customer service and webcare.

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With Voice To Voice you can outsource your customer service.

Suitable for: SMEs, Large companies
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Quality Contacts is a full service contact center that facilitates incoming and outgoing customer contacts via telephone, internet and mail.

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Interswitch is one of the largest accessibility solutions in the Netherlands.

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