
How does help desk software help a web store or e-commerce company?

Freshdesk's helpdesk software ensures that company and customer can contact each other in an accessible way at every step of the purchase process. 

Questions about products, return requests, cancellations, etc. are often received not only via e-mail, but also via Facebook or via a tweet. Sometimes customers prefer to chat or call you. Whichever channel they prefer, the fact remains that they expect a quick response - and an answer to their question or a solution to their problem. 

And Freshdesk helps you with that!

Handle all customer inquiries from one place

With Freshdesk you manage all interactions with customers in a smart, intuitive way and solve their problems faster. 

All incoming questions or requests, via whatever channel, end up clearly in one inbox. That way, nothing stays put for too long and you don't miss anything - not even a Facebook message or tweet.

Use AI to prioritize

Sometimes as a support agent you can no longer see the forest due to the amount of tweets ... and then it is difficult to filter out precisely those questions that need a quick answer. With Social Signals, our smart AI application, the tweets with the most priority are made transparent very easily. Social Signals converts the most urgent tweets into tickets, so agents can get started right away. 

Automate follow-ups and proactive contact

Freshdesk is packed with automated features that make the work of your agents a lot easier and more efficient. For example, 'Automations' takes care of categorizing and prioritizing support tickets. It can also automatically send notifications, manage ticket statuses and proactively approach customers. For example, the system automatically sends an e-mail to a customer who has not yet responded to an e-mail, for example. That way the contact stays active - and that reduces frustration and irritation from both sides. 

Set up a knowledge base

Help customers help themselves. With an extensive knowledge base with frequently asked questions and articles, your customers may already find the answer to their question themselves. You can also use community forums for discount codes, announcements, etc.

Seamless collaboration throughout the organization

Freshdesk is designed to allow different teams within your organization to work together seamlessly. With Team Huddle, for example, different employees can chat about the specific customer question within a ticket. This creates a clear picture with complete context, which helps the customer quickly and effectively.

Monitor your helpdesk with reports

To measure is to know, and insight into metrics helps to improve your customer service. Freshdesk gives you almost real-time useful statistics about, for example, First Response time, Average Resolution time, etc. 

Integrate with your online store

Freshdesk can be integrated with your Shopify web store or e-commerce environment. For example, important customer information can be shared, such as order details, payments, cancellations, etc. And with the integration of apps such as FreshBooks and Mailchimp, you can bring even more context into the helpdesk software, in order to serve your customers more specifically.

Enterprise-grade support, worldwide

Freshdesk is the perfect helpdesk for retail. Our functionalities are enterprise-class, but at an affordable price. Moreover, our cloud-based system can be easily deployed for different products, in different languages ​​and time zones - all within one helpdesk. This way you serve your retail and e-commerce customers in the way that suits them best.

2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for the CRM Customer Engagement Center

Gartner's latest Magic Quadrant study of customer service and contact center applications recognized Freshworks as a 'Visionary' for our cloud-based omnichannel customer service platform, freshdesk.

For us, this is a confirmation of our approach: helping companies increase their customer satisfaction and engagement with a unique people plus bots strategy. With our customer service platform with native customer and agent-facing AI capabilities, we have now significantly increased our presence in mid-market and enterprise. And with our omnichannel support offerings and smart collaboration tools, we're well established in Gartner's Magic Quadrant!

More information

Free version:
Suitable for: B2C, B2B and wholesalers, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals, Non-Profit organizations
Nations: The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, United States, Europe, Worldwide
Languages: Dutch, English, German, French
Ecommerce platforms: Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, Shopware, Prestashop interface, Spree commerce
Email marketing platforms: Mailchimp, klaviyo
CRM systems: Pipedrive, Microsoft Dynamics, freshdesk, SugarCRM, Hubspot, SalesforceCRM
Certifications: ISO 27001, GDPR Compliant
Hosting: Amazon Web Services, Software As A Service (SAAS)

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Eric Nijman
Eric Nijman
Position: CEO, Consultant, Ecommerce manager, etc.
Company: Orion Pax
Business 418 Articles 4

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