
Woocommerce is the most widely used e-commerce plugin for Wordpress. The system cannot therefore be used separately. It is free and open-source and because it is a plug-in from Wordpress, there are tons of developers, designs and other plug-ins available for download. For someone who wants to start a webshop quickly, is a bit handy himself or has a web developer at his disposal, this is the system to start with.

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Free version:
Languages: English
Hosting: Amazon Web Services, Linux, Software As A Service (SAAS), Windows server

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This company was added by

Eric Nijman
Eric Nijman
Position: CEO, Consultant, Ecommerce manager, etc.
Company: Orion Pax
Business 418 Articles 4

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Run your online business like a boss with Mijnwebwinkel: the all-in-one platform for e-commerce and everything that goes with it.

Suitable for: B2C, B2B and wholesalers, Starter, SME
Email marketing platforms: Mailchimp, Laposta
Payment provider: MultiSafePay, Mollie, buckaroo, Paypal, sisow
Certifications: GDPR compliant
Integration platforms: Web shopping invoices
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