Cookie and privacy platforms

With these platforms you can build and maintain a GDPR and AVG (General Data Protection Regulation) proof Cookie Popup and privacy statement.

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Is there a free version that can be used indefinitely?
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Available in these countries.
What languages ​​is service available in.
E-commerce platforms that integrate or are supported.
Integrates and / or works with these platforms / services.
What kind of hosting can be used
The application can be used on these Operating Systems.

Cookie and privacy platforms.

1 - 5 of 5

The cookie compliance solution from OneTrust

Free version:
Suitable for: Start-up, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
Certifications: GDPR compliant
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Cookie Media is the largest online categorized database of cookies.

Free version:
Suitable for: Start-up, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
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Cookie script lists the cookies on your website and shows an optimized pop-up.

Free version:
Suitable for: Start-up, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
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Cookiebot is a platform that lists your cookies and displays a pop-up on your website.

Suitable for: SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
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Osano is an open-source privacy, consent and cookie platform.

Free version:
Suitable for: Start-up, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
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1 - 5 of 5