
We believe every individual has its own passion and qualities. Marketers have the ideas to implement personal experiences and have to bother development to create their ideas because they simply can’t do it themselves. Resulting in a lot of frustrations, high investment and a lot more resources needed. Our goal is to give the marketers the opportunity to create these personal experiences without having to write any code.

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Landen: Nederland, België, Duitsland, Frankrijk
Talen: Nederlands, Engels, Frans

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Datatrics is een Nederlands platform waarmee je datagedreven personalisatie en customer journey's kunt implementeren.

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We unleash artificial intelligence (AI) for retailers across digital e-commerce channels to deliver captivating experiences.

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95% van uw bezoekers is anoniem: Identificeer waardevolle bezoekers en realiseer meer omzet

Geschikt voor: MKB, Grote bedrijven, Multinationals
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