Push notifications

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Push notifications .

1 - 8 of 8

Personalized, intelligent messaging for mobile apps.

Suitable for: B2C, SME, Large companies
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App Experience Platform

Free version:
Suitable for: B2C, Starter, SME, Large companies, Multinationals
Ecommerce platforms: Shopify
Email marketing platforms: Salesforce Marketing Cloud
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Leanplum simplifies multi-channel campaigns to help you achieve your engagement and revenue goals

Suitable for: B2C, Starter, SME, Large companies, Multinationals
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Beamer is an easy-to-use notification center

Free version:
Suitable for: B2C, Starter, SME, Large companies, Multinationals
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Swrve is a platform focused on improving multichannel engagement across your business.

Suitable for: Large companies, Multinationals
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The market leading self-serve customer engagement solution for Push Notifications, Email, SMS & In-App.

Suitable for: B2C
Ecommerce platforms: Magento, Shopify, WIX
Email marketing platforms: Mailchimp, SendGrid
CRM systems: Hubspot, voyado
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Mixpanel is an analysis platform where companies gain more insight into the behavior of their users in order to increase the speed of innovation.

Free version:
Suitable for: B2C, Starter, SME, Large companies, Multinationals, Non-Profit organizations
Email marketing platforms: Mailchimp, Marketo marketing automation platform
CRM systems: Zendesk, Zoho CRM
Integration platforms: Zapier, Tray.io
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Send powerful Push Notifications directly from your website.

Suitable for: Start-up, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
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1 - 8 of 8