
ActiveCampaign is an email marketing and marketing automation platform. It offers many standard links and recipes with which you can quickly put together profitable customer journeys.

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Nations: The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France
Languages: English
Hosting: Software As A Service (SAAS)


CanopyDeploy is a super comprehensive and user-friendly marketing automation platform with fantastic possibilities.

Suitable for: B2C, B2B & Wholesalers, SME's, Large Companies, Multinationals, Government Agencies
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Eric Nijman
Eric Nijman
Position: CEO, Consultant, Ecommerce manager, etc.
Company: Orion Pax
Business 418 Articles 4

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Sendinblue is the smartest and most intuitive platform for growing businesses.

Suitable for: B2C, B2B and wholesalers, Starter, SME, Large companies, Multinationals, Non-Profit organizations
Integration platforms: Zapier
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Moosend is an email marketing and marketing automation platform

Free version:
Suitable for: Start-up, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
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