
Keyword Hero is a data analysis tool that helps website owners and digital marketers identify the "organic search keywords" that drive traffic to their website. It provides a way to link Google Analytics and Google Search Console data and uses machine learning to match the "not provided" keywords in Google Analytics with the actual queries from Google Search Console.

The tool aims to solve the problem of "not provided" keywords, which happens when Google hides the search queries used by visitors who are logged into their Google accounts. This means that website owners and digital marketers often have incomplete data about the keywords driving traffic to their site. Keyword Hero tries to fill this data gap by using machine learning to figure out the actual search queries.

Keyword Hero can be used to identify the top keywords driving traffic to a website, understand which pages rank well for which keywords, and optimize content and marketing strategies to improve search engine rankings.

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Suitable for: B2C, Starter, SME, Large companies
Nations: Worldwide
Languages: English

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