Training and information

Overview of e-commerce courses, knowledge platforms and reference works.

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Training and information.

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E-commerce Times is an English-language online e-commerce newspaper.

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Iusmentis is a blog about technology and legislation.

Free version:
Suitable for: Start-up, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
Author: Arnoud Engel Fried
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Clear information about the rules regarding prices and discounts.

Suitable for: B2C, B2B and wholesalers, Starter, SME, Large companies, Multinationals, Non-Profit organizations
Author: ACM
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European legislation per country for invoices with date options etc.

Suitable for: B2C, B2B and wholesalers, Starter, SME, Large companies, Multinationals, Non-Profit organizations
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Twinkle Magazine is the trade magazine for the webshop owner and people in the e-commerce field.

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Webshop Hero is a vocational education method that offers students a first introduction to doing business on the Internet.

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