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21 - 30 of 418

Aliscraper is a plugin with which you can easily place products from AlieXpress in your webshop

Suitable for: Starter, SME
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Overview of outages from major internet providers, telecom providers and other platforms.

Free version:
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Allegro is a large Polish marketplace similar to in the Netherlands.

Suitable for: B2C, SME, Large companies, Multinationals
Products and services: Do it yourself, garden, DIY., Fashion and clothing, Hobbies and collections, Home & Living, Media, books, music, software, Office supplies and furnishing, Sports, Technology, gadgets, Hi-Fi, TV's, etc., Toys, games, General / Other
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Alterian is the "Forrester wave leader 2020" of the Customer Experience platforms.

Suitable for: Large companies, Multinationals
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Jmeter is the Apache foundation's automated open source testing platform.

Free version:
Suitable for: SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
Operating system: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, IOS (Iphone)
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Apache is the world's most used web server

Free version:
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Archi is an open source modeling tool for archimate models and flowcharts.

Free version:
Suitable for: Start-up, SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
Operating system: Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
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Attentive is the most comprehensive SMS marketing platform.

Suitable for: SMEs, Large companies, Multinationals
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Avalara is an automated VAT and tax platform that ensures that you comply with regulations that apply in local markets.

Suitable for: Large companies, Multinationals
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Avanto is a customer loyalty platform.

Suitable for: Large companies, Multinationals
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21 - 30 of 418