Off Site SEO Backlinks

If you are new to a website on the Internet then you need something to get visitors to your website to get. That's what off-site (off-page) SEO optimization is all about. Google wants the most popular and reputable sites to appear at the top of the search results. One of the ways to do this is to look at how many external websites link to your website. If there are none yet incoming links are (backlinks) and nothing else is done to get more visitors to your website to lead, you just won't be on the first page stand. Certainly not with highly competitive ones keywords. There are several ways to do this. When you use a B2B company you can handle clients ask to link to your website, write educational content and post it on opinion sites, use video optimization to traffic from YouTube and other video sites and make sure your website is included in it Internet directories. This is the most common and effective way of off-site (off-page) SEO optimization. This is also a dangerous area. In the past have many SEO companies use this tactic. By responding to messages on major websites and placing a backlink in the response, they got a higher ranking in the search engines. This turned out to be very effective. The problem is that Google does not want this in practice and that means that this method is no longer effective. Google even actively punishes websites that overuse these methods. Any off-site (off-page) SEO optimization must be within the guidelines for it Webmasters of  Google stay. If you've found something that works, but isn't in the spirit of what they think is permissible, then you're spending a lot of money digging your own grave. You must use tactics that Google considers legitimate. We avoid any tactics that raise the eyebrows Google let them frown completely and follow their guidelines for that contentso that our clients never face punishment for anything related to our off-site (off-page) SEO optimization.

Video Optimization

One of the things that is showing a lot of great results today is video optimization. Creating unique videos that are then embedded (embedded) on your website can have a huge impact on your rankings. Google owns YouTube. Partly because of this, it is a good idea to use this service good to use if you want to have a chance of a high ranking in Google. Video optimization is also a good idea because people will watch a video first before they complete it page read, this allows you to summarize the content and get your message across more effectively. We work with a top actor to make these videos for your website.

link Building

Websites with the most inbound links (backlinks) often have the highest rank in it Google. Still, it is more nuanced than that, of course, but the principle that you need a lot of it remains. There are many types of backlinks both good and bad. By reading on, you'll see what's worth doing and what to avoid at all costs.

Incoming links (Backlinks)

This is a simple backlink (hyperlink) to your website from another website using your web address (URL ) as the hyperlink. So a hyperlink to our site could look like: or As long as your backlinks are not from adult sites, drug sites, or gambling sites, these types of backlinks will never hurt you.


A backlink is a link to your website using a keyword (anchor text) associated with your website. For example a registered investment advisor in Amsterdam might want a backlink that says registered investment advisor Amsterdam. You'll get away with this if it's put into context. Many people commented on articles to put back links that had nothing to do with the article. It worked for a while, but one thing you should know is you Google can't be fooled for long. It's a bad form of advertising, people were warned to stop. They even threatened with a penguin penalty, which would hurt rankings if people kept doing it. So make sure to keep following the rules. Google also want you to vary. If you just keep using the same thing over and over keyword then your website will become over-optimized. So you should take advantage of large groups with different keywords.

Internal links

An internal link is a hyperlink from one part of your website to another part. Each website has a number of internal links in the form of a menu. By means of internal links you can Google help understand which pages are relevant to the keywords. Internal links must be part of a SEO strategy. An example of an internal link could be: Contact us. This link will take you to a page where you can enter a contact form of the relevant SEO service and this is a signal to Google what the page is about. Try to use internal links to rank for a keyword relevant to the web page but don't overdo it.

Reciprocal or reciprocal links (reciprocal link)

This is a hyperlink from your website to another website, which then places a hyperlink back to your website. This is perfectly acceptable as long as the website you are linking to is relevant to your website. A link to and from the Chamber of Commerce is acceptable. Linking to suppliers or people you do business with is also acceptable. But too many of these links can be bad for you if Google think you are trying to post spam links.

spam links

This is the creation of a page on your website where you post hundreds of links to other websites that in turn do the same. The best advice I can give you in that area is DON'T. This was used years ago and it worked then, but it's a really really bad idea to still do this now. Google tolerated this long ago, but some SEO companies are so out of date with their knowledge that they still do this!

Comment left

I mentioned the comment links before. If you are responding to an article that is relevant to your website then it is fine. However, if you respond or comment on an article that is about something completely different, then you will Google penalize your website with a penalty. So if you want to comment on an article that has nothing to do with what you are doing, please omit the link.

Article links:

This is the best place for a backlink, there are some pretty clear rules for it. You cannot just keep repeating the same article. You have to write a new article every time. You can write the same basic information, but it should not be worded the same way over and over again. So don't copy and paste. The penguin update had a big impact on these types of links. They are only useful when done properly, another good reason to hire a professional from online marketing agency

Page assessment

PageRank is a tool can Google used to quality of domains to judge. When you receive backlinks from websites with a high PageRank, you get points for your own PageRank. There are about 200 factors that affect PageRank, but the main ones are domain age and inbound links (backlinks). At the bottom of this page you will find a list showing how many points a backlink is worth. This list is a simplification and therefore it is important to note that all links on the page will divide the total number of points among themselves, so if you are the only link on the page you will get many points, but chances are you are not the only link on the page. I have never seen a page with only one link. Remember that even the menu items on the page are counted as links to another page. That said, it means that the websites with high PageRank are worth a lot. If you have a link from a PR 2 website and the 96 points are divided among 10 links, it just won't help you too much. With a PR 8 website with 10 links, you will receive a lot of points per link. Another factor is that NoFollow links do not participate in the scoring. So you need a large number of links to move up Google and that's where a special link building program can really help.

PageRank scoring

• 1 Link from PR 0 = 1 point

• 1 Link from PR 1 = 20 points

• 1 Link from PR 2 = 96 points

• 1 Link from PR 3 = 338 points

• 1 Link from PR 4 = 986 points

• 1 Link from PR 5 = 6902 Points

• 1 Link from PR 6 = 12.754 points

• 1 Link from PR 7 = 47.856 points

• 1 Link from PR 8 = 140.958 points

• 1 Link from PR 9 = 859.844 points

• 1 Link from PR 10 = 5.331.037 points

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